acne and food

After many years of suffering from acne, I have found that a fat free diet has completely eliminated all breakouts and problems! My skin is very clear after starting to eat very very low fat. The only downside is that all my skin can get very dry and flaky, especially in winter. But, I'd rather use tons of moisturizer than eat more fat.

i would have to say that there is a big connection between food and complexion. i don't really have any true facts on the matter except that back home, kids in highschool shuddered if they had to work at mcDonalds' kitchen because all the grease ruined complexions. i mean, i saw it happen. also, i also notice that my skin gets really yucky when i splurge and eat a lot of potato chips and stuff like that. it doesn't make sense and is probably just me, but after eating really greasy meals, i always want to wash my face! if I splurged on junk food I'd without fail have a horrible break out. Now that I'm almost done with course #2 of Accutane it doesn't happen any more. Maybe it just depends on the individual - you know, people like my sister who never had a zit in her life. We grew up together and ate the same foods pretty much, but I inherited the family's share of the acne gene.

French fries and chocolate cause acne. There are lots of good reasons to avoid fatty foods, and we applaud all of them. But as far as acne is concerned, studies simply haven't indicated that diet is directly involved. "Your body is pretty sophisticated. It doesn't work as simply as, 'If you eat greasy food, it'll come out on your skin,'". One possible explanation of the effect of fat consumption on skin is that if you eat a lot of fatty foods, you are not likely to also get enough fruits and vegetables, especially those that contain Vitamin A (or carotene, Provitamin A). Lack of Vitamin A can cause skin and eye problems.